The Refill Coalition
A UK coalition developing, and testing, a standardised solution to deliver refills at scale for in-store and online.
The solution – a reusable bulk vessel - has been developed to deliver refills at scale for key food staples (e.g., cereals and pasta) and household products (e.g., cleaning and personal care products), removing single-use plastic packaging when moving goods from supplier to customer and driving efficiencies.
The Coalition’s vessel will facilitate three key new solutions:
An in-store refill system for:
Dry goods, launched on 23 October 2023 with Aldi UK
A tareless¹ weighing system and liquids dispense, in development for launch next year
A bulk home delivery refill solution, launched by Ocado Retail on 8 August 2024
¹ Tareless meaning consumers don’t have to weigh their own container before refilling
Our refill solutions
The in-store solution will replace current bulk dispensers with reusable vessels located at a refill station that can be filled and shipped with the product. Customers are invited to bring their own packaging to refill at the station, using an improved easy weighing system. Each reusable vessel replaces 24 single-use plastic packs.²
The online consumer sized vessel is pre-filled with product by the supplier and shipped to customers alongside the rest of their Ocado order, then returned to the Ocado driver when empty. Each consumer sized vessel replaces 5 single-use plastic packs.³
² Based on 500g of rice
³ Based on 500g of rice
"We're delighted to be launching this new refill solution - initially into Aldi, followed by Ocado Retail’s online launch early next year– a system we’re proud to have worked on for over three years to bring to market. As a Coalition we share the mutual objective of reducing single-use plastic packaging and believe that the solution we have developed presents a landmark opportunity for us to make a step change in the commercialisation of refills which we know can play a significant role in the reduction of single-use plastic packaging.”
- a statement from the Refill Coalition
1. What's different about the Refill Coalition's approach?
The Refill Coalition is the leading global active coalition working on an open source industry standard, as we believe this is the fastest way to scale refill, and reduce single-use plastic packaging waste. At the heart of the Refill Coalition’s solution is a standardised bulk reusable vessel designed to be optimised for the supply chain.
2. Is the solution live yet?
The in-store solution launched on 23rd October at Aldi UK’s Solihull branch. The online version launched with Ocado on 8th August 2024. The live trials are supported by Innovate UK’s Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging (SSPP) fund.
3. How is the trial going?
We will share regular updates, please sign up below.
4. What type of products will the solution work for?
The vessel is standardised and can be used for both dry goods and liquids, by any supplier. Some examples of products we are already working with include cereals, pasta, rice, seeds, dried fruits, household detergents and personal care liquids.
5. How can I find out more information/ start using the system?
If you're a retailer or brand interested in finding out more, or joining the coalition, please send us an email at pm@beunpackaged.com and we'll be in touch.
Refill Coalition Partners:
With thanks also to the following retailers for their support in the early development of this project:
Refill Coalition Equipment Partners: